Category Archives: Screen-News

These graphics are possible only on PC, not on PS5/Xbox Series X

A lot of console gamers have been disappointed lately with some current-gen exclusive upcoming games. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 looks like a slightly enhanced version of Spider-Man Miles Morales, and Final Fantasy VII Remake Rebirth looks identical to the first game. However, PC is on a whole new level and recently, NVIDIA showcased what developers can achieve on high-end PC hardware. Continue reading These graphics are possible only on PC, not on PS5/Xbox Series X

Here are some brand new beautiful 4K screenshots for STALKER 2 [UPDATE: Removed due to DMCA]

It appears that a new set of beautiful 4K screenshots for STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl has been leaked online. These screenshots are not from the recently leaked dev builds, and appear to be really polished. Continue reading Here are some brand new beautiful 4K screenshots for STALKER 2 [UPDATE: Removed due to DMCA]