Tag Archives: RoboCop: Rogue City

Teyon is looking into fixing the shader compilation stutters in RoboCop: Rogue City

A couple of days ago, NACON released the PC demo for RoboCop: Rogue City. Developed by Teyon, the team behind Terminator: Resistance, this new RoboCop game has a lot of potential. However, the demo suffered from major shader compilation stutters. And, thankfully, the developers are looking into resolving them. Continue reading Teyon is looking into fixing the shader compilation stutters in RoboCop: Rogue City

NVIDIA RTX 4080 can run Robocop Rogue City with more than 60fps in Native 4K/Epic Settings

In June 2023, we shared a 22-minute gameplay video for Robocop Rogue City. However, there was another PC video for Robocop Rogue City that completely passed under our radar, so it’s time now to share it. After all, this video shows one hour of PC gameplay footage from this upcoming Robocop game. Continue reading NVIDIA RTX 4080 can run Robocop Rogue City with more than 60fps in Native 4K/Epic Settings